People do not discuss fertility issues very often. It is hard topics. I do not have fertility issues. Well I hope not. It just has not been easy thus far. Gliches I call them not problems.
As soon as John and I were officially married on June 25th we stopped preventing pregnancy. I do not know how to answer "are you trying to have kids?" we were perfectly content either way. That changed pretty quickly. We went from being nonchalant to WANTING a child. I have always had a regular cycle and felt this would happen very quickly. Then John went to ER for heart problems in September. The medication they put him on put a damper on our plans. He had to continue on the medication until he found out he got a new job. But then something happened to me. I went an entire month without a menstrual cycle. I was slightly hopeful but part of me knew I was not pregnant. I finally called up to my doctor to ask to run a blood test. No. I was not. I was not surprised. I was scared because something was off with me clearly. So I went to the doctor. I apparently have pretty significant Vitamin D deficiency so they put me on prescription vitamins. Now the vitamins are making me sick so I am just taking a multi and will begin tanning. Also, I am taking huge steps on my weight control which is a possible reason for my issues as well.
So we begin trying again with a stock full of tricks up my sleeve. It is hard for women to talk about conception problems. I do not know that I have any other than what I just discussed. I have seen fertility battles of friends and family and I hope that I do not have to go through some of the pain others have,I know very strong women who have fought for years with and without success. I just began my journey. I just want to document what i have learned from other mothers and women maybe it will help.
I will start my prenatal vitamins and evening primrose continue with a healthy vitamin rich diet and since my cycle is off I have to use ovulation kits to figure out my cycle which i hope gets back on track. Hopefully if that does occur I can use a basic calendar.