a new wife's journey, after the i dos. marriage, health, and planning for little sivaks.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
return of an old friend
Thursday, September 27, 2012
a very sivak fall
I followed up with my doctor this week to get some tests underway to begin finding out WHY we are having trouble concieving. First test, Sonogram. While not painful only slightly akward and uncomfortable, I brought most of this on myself. I like to look up everything online. Sadly I stumbled upon an article about how a woman had this horrible experience with the internal sonogram. She went as far as stated she felt raped. I wasn't even able to answer the nurses questions I was so nervous. I kept saying weird things and was shaking I was so scared. Since I keep most of these experiences private, I did not feel the need to ask anyone how this would go. It was FINE. Unless you are socially akward like me, this is nothing.
After I completed this and my doctor reviewed he had no concerns really about what to do. He gave me a list of options. 1. Get a Tubular Xray (which does hurt by the way) 2. He would refer me to and Reproductive Endocrinologist 3. Wait Not huge decisions.. but decisions non the less. First I was all for 1. I would probably have to do this anyway might as well bite the bullet. Then after talking to some folks I went with number 3. Wait, lose more weight and keep trying without any help.
The next day at work I decided to check my chart (a benefit of working in healthcare is I can read all my medical records when I get a spare minute on the job) And I found some stuff on there that I was not informed about in our appointment. I apparently have several small cysts that are unremarkable but could be an indication of possible PCOS. HOLLA WHAT? Let the tears at my desk begin. Although PCOS is common and clearly by my sonogram if I do have it, it is not severe. I began to cry at my desk. PCOS does not = infertility. So I was encouraged to call my doctor's office and ask what this was all about.
Working for a medical office I hated it when people would call saying "I can read my chart and....." but I was about to be one of those people. But I waited. Printed off this note and reread it over and over again. Then today I was more level headed and ready to just ask. Unremarkable means nothing to be concerned about right now. So I decided while on the phone we were going to go with step 2. I don't know what is wrong with me. I know clomid is no longer an option. Dr. G can't do much more for me. I am ready to move on. I want to know if nothing else WHY?
So here goes nothing. It is serious. I have had 3 weeks of successfull dieting, and even though Fall is full of great beer and lots of celebrating.. good bye alcohol in ALL circumstances and I did something I never could do in the past I gave up caffiene. I drink herbal tea every morning. My YMCA membership card is in my purse. My matching bathing suit has been purchased. John, a reproductive endocrinologist,a and I are going to make a baby.
Monday, September 17, 2012
First Test
I'm nervous about the sonogram and the possible findings.
My back pain has improved 60% literally over night. I started working as a front desk receptionist again and got out of the phone dungeon. I think the phone room was causing me more pain than I ever knew. Now to focus on pregnancy.
My mom got me a membership to y for Christmas, and matching swimsuits. Nancy and I will be adorable.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
rough patch
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
john ate dinner, all gone.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
kitchen staples
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Support? Group.
One member told me to go to a fertility doctor Right away. Another told me that I didn't know what I was doing that this group was for people wanting to ..., then spat off gobs of abbreviations I had to look up in their extensive glossary, and an organic banana would not help me. I guess I should have known the first post I read was about how many of these women block their pregnant facebook friends.
First of all, I believe in the healing power of food and health. I would rather first go to a chiropractor and get my body adjusted or have acupuncture than go on shots or continue on clomid which made me nuts! I'm not there yet. I'm not giving up on myself and my body. I see room for improvement and if that doesn't work I'll go further, when it is time. What I need now is support. I might need someone out there to give me some advice, a hug, or just listen to me when I'm frustrated. I don't want to be a part of a woe is me, jealousy, bitter "community". I'm doing well being positive, maybe it is all those organic bananas.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
A day with my hubs
We also incorporate foods he loves more naturally. Yesterday John made an organic pizza crust and sauce. Made the best pizza ever.
We hit up the farmers market and meijer today. I was getting my yogurt and John said he wanted some honey Greek yogurt. I was baffled and full of glee. But due to a sale they were out so I made a special trip to target's grocery area and a pack was on sale there. This is amazing. Thanks goes to our friend Megan Francis for bringing strawberries and Greek honey yogurt to the last gathering. John still tries to sneak an occasional pastry into the cart but when he told me yesterday he didn't get pepperoni for his pizza because he couldn't find any without nitrates... I knew there was a new man before my eyes.
It is great advice in short clips. Enjoy!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Setting the goal/smoothies
Starting next week I will ......
Eat less cheese.. Buying this yummy organic or farm cheese is hard to stay away from.
Track calories
Walk on all my breaks
Do home workouts
The 27th we join the YMCA! I will begin morning and night exercising along with my break walks.
I am so motivated. I wasn't even this hardcore for my wedding, and I was hardcore! I guess it is because the reward is so much more than a wedding dress... It is for a family.
Food pic of day, my daily smoothie. I use organic yogurt, fruits usually vary but I try to add blueberries (they are high in antioxidants, help with brain power, proven to help with belly fat and help prevent and aid in the cure of cancer! Also they help with depression... Truely a good mood food) I also add a leafy green. The picture shows spinach but I prefer kale. (kale is said to be the healthiest of all veggies. Rich in vitamins and high in minerals such as iron and magnesium. Kale is a good source of fiber, great for heart health, and a healthy source of calcium.) Plus when added to my smoothies it is tasteless and low in calories. I've read that by emerging blueberries and kale with milk they lose some of their nutrients. Well, I use an unsweetened almond milk just for peace of mind and added protein. I also use frozen fruit so I don't have to add ice and thus a richer flavor. Yum, and since I've started with smoothies my need for coffee is less severe. Days I skip I don't even get headaches.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
How far is too far?
Tomorrow we receive our first oberweiess delivery. This is just till we find a local farm for butter.
Here are some healthy meals of the midweek. I love caesar salads so I made a chicken caesar pita and tomato soup, under 500 calories.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
This week in food....
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Week one
1. No alcohol
2. No processed food
3. Mostly organic or local food
4. Keeping calories low by increasing fruit/vegetable consumption not by eating "light" "diet" products.
5. No sugar substitutes
Many know that I lost lots of weight before. However, I consumed lots of sugar free products and processed foods. Clearly, this was not the way for me to lose the weight.
I made a commitment to bake my own breads, go to the farmers market weekly and purchase local produce, dairy, and meat and cook or prepare my meals at home.
My back pain is getting better but still present. I want to begin walking next week.
I have been very enthusiastic and when I want something I think of a goal so much bigger than the way I look or feel.
Here is my favorite meal to make this week. Sprouted grain spinach, Black beans, fajita quesadilla with homemade guacamole and pico de gallo.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
On hold.
Currently I am going through back pain and starting physical therapy soon. My vitamin D is also very low. As mentioned, I have to get healthy. Until my back pain gets under control I am focusing on diet. John and I both are giving up procsessed foods and trying to eat clean. If it is not local or organic I am not interested. Our budget has more money designated for these more expensive items, (but I have noticed they are not that much more expensive). We will also be joining the YMCA soon so I can do water aerobics (until my back is ready for other exercising).
I have been getting pretty fancy these past two days with food we got at farmers market, whole foods, and trader joes.
I am hopitoss will be ready in six months then I will go back to ovulation tests and other forms of fertility help. I also need to still call the nurse tomorrow to inform my doctor my plan.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Clomid round two....
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
clomid. a love, hate realtionship.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
i am in love.
i am having problems. he realized this. this is especially noted since ovulation kits have not been showing that I am ovulating (despite a fairly regular cycle). which dr.g stated happens. but rather than run lots of painful tests and then trying to narrow down the cause he said we would go straight to the treatment. i am starting on fertility medication. clomid
will this increase the chances for multiples? yes. but only 5% of women on clomid have multiples.
i am still holding out hope that I got pregnant last month so i won't even start this. i did not show ovulation on a stick but I did follow a calender.
so today i am optimistic and appreciative of my friends who sent me dr.g's direction.
crossing my fingers and as the crazy women on the clomid reviews say, " best of luck and baby dust" whatever that means.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
i am in.
at my last annual I had every intention of talking to my doctor about my desire for pregnancy. maybe this isn't something that requires a great deal of chatting. but she said two things to me when i mentioned this. get some prenatal vitamins (duh), go make another annual appt, maybe i'll see you sooner.
i was disappointed. i don't know if i wanted dr.h to hug me and hold my hand and tell me step by step what i should do. okay i knew that wouldn't happen but i expected something different. and it has bugged me this entire time.
i probably should have been given some advice maybe lose some weight, here is a script for the vitamins which might be more affective than the walgreens brand i have been taking. or maybe i am looking for a finger to point.
so i followed my gut talked to my best friend and decided after 8 months of no success, i would not wait till I am pregnant to switch doctors which i had every intention of doing.
I made a phone call and expected to have to be approved but i have an appt in march to get a basic exam and discuss the game plan.
i feel hopeful.
Friday, February 3, 2012
diet diet diet
every choice i make i make in hopes of having a baby. i barely drink. i take vitamins. i eat healthy. i don't make concrete vacation plans in hopes ill be pregnant.
i eat drink sleep baby having. i have gone beyond baby fever. i have baby disease.
i really enjoyed doing fight for air climb last year. however, i did not do it this year because i did not want to sign up knowing we were trying to make baby happen. i did not think 30 flights of stairs and pregnancy mixed.
now i know i could have done it, kept training been in better shape because it did not happen.
now i have two 5ks i am considering training for. my first thought when these were presented to me was ... what if i get.... oh i've done this before.
so i am not doing it. i am signing up. i am training...
many women have gone on with their normal lives and gotten pregnant. i am going to try better at this.
here is to fun, running, and hopefully when the time is right baby makin!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
bump in the road.... to bump.
As soon as John and I were officially married on June 25th we stopped preventing pregnancy. I do not know how to answer "are you trying to have kids?" we were perfectly content either way. That changed pretty quickly. We went from being nonchalant to WANTING a child. I have always had a regular cycle and felt this would happen very quickly. Then John went to ER for heart problems in September. The medication they put him on put a damper on our plans. He had to continue on the medication until he found out he got a new job. But then something happened to me. I went an entire month without a menstrual cycle. I was slightly hopeful but part of me knew I was not pregnant. I finally called up to my doctor to ask to run a blood test. No. I was not. I was not surprised. I was scared because something was off with me clearly. So I went to the doctor. I apparently have pretty significant Vitamin D deficiency so they put me on prescription vitamins. Now the vitamins are making me sick so I am just taking a multi and will begin tanning. Also, I am taking huge steps on my weight control which is a possible reason for my issues as well.
So we begin trying again with a stock full of tricks up my sleeve. It is hard for women to talk about conception problems. I do not know that I have any other than what I just discussed. I have seen fertility battles of friends and family and I hope that I do not have to go through some of the pain others have,I know very strong women who have fought for years with and without success. I just began my journey. I just want to document what i have learned from other mothers and women maybe it will help.
I will start my prenatal vitamins and evening primrose continue with a healthy vitamin rich diet and since my cycle is off I have to use ovulation kits to figure out my cycle which i hope gets back on track. Hopefully if that does occur I can use a basic calendar.