Saturday, September 8, 2012

rough patch

Things have been rough around here. I haven't had a desire to blog because I have been so upset. I also posted a guest spot on my friend ericka's blog here I don't share my blog openly, not yet anyway. But this was something Ericka asked me to do and I thought it would be a good way to let people in on what is going on. Since then more has occured. 1. My back has been causing me problems going into my hip and pelvic area. I have been on pain kills and muscle relaxers for months. I am currently in Physical Therapy twice a week. This has put me in a funk and my diet went DOWN the tubes. I am an emotional eater. I need to get this under control, and fast. 2. I looked into back pain in relationship to infertility and found endometriosis was one that showed symptoms but I just thought I would bring it up in my October appointment. Additionally, I am very late on my period and since I have been out of commission there is now way I have made a baby so this makes no sense as I have only ever been late/missed a period once (which started all my concerns). One day I was complaining to my mother about how no tests were being run in regards to my back and my doctor was just loading me with more and more drug and I could have other issues like Endometriosis. My mother informed me she and my aunt had endometriosis. I immediatly looked up more and low and behold it is very much a genetic disease. I contacted my doctor per my mothers advice... haven't heard back. and still no cycle. Now I have sinus issues and these horrible hot flashes. I just need some advice. I need something to get me in a good spirits. To add insult to it all, I was in so much pain on what was suppose to be my first day back at school I dropped all my classes because I was in such a rut. Which has me more bummed out. I try to stay positive. I try to stay strong. It is rough. I just feel old becuase my body is giving up on me and this makes me worry that I will never get my dream. I need a life coach. I join the YMCA tomorrow and I hope that helps. I guess I just need some positive vibes or prayers sent this way to get me in better spirts and hopefully find out what is wrong with all aspects of my health. I don't feel justified in being so down. I know many others who go through much more than this. I try to use their strength to get me through. I am surronded by wonderful, strong women. I have a wonderful mother and a loving husband who have done whatever they can. Just have to get through this rough patch.

1 comment:

  1. Hugs & prayers Nicole. I hate that you are having such a rough time and wish I could do something to help you. Once you join the YMCA, I'm always down for a workout! :)
