Thursday, July 19, 2012

Setting the goal/smoothies

I made my next appt to see my obgyn. I really want to be ready to start hardcore trying after this appt. My goal is to be at wedding weight by then. I have lost 14 pounds so far by still being laid up with my back and relatively inactive.
Starting next week I will ......
Eat less cheese.. Buying this yummy organic or farm cheese is hard to stay away from.
Track calories
Walk on all my breaks
Do home workouts

The 27th we join the YMCA! I will begin morning and night exercising along with my break walks.

I am so motivated. I wasn't even this hardcore for my wedding, and I was hardcore! I guess it is because the reward is so much more than a wedding dress... It is for a family.

Food pic of day, my daily smoothie. I use organic yogurt, fruits usually vary but I try to add blueberries (they are high in antioxidants, help with brain power, proven to help with belly fat and help prevent and aid in the cure of cancer! Also they help with depression... Truely a good mood food) I also add a leafy green. The picture shows spinach but I prefer kale. (kale is said to be the healthiest of all veggies. Rich in vitamins and high in minerals such as iron and magnesium. Kale is a good source of fiber, great for heart health, and a healthy source of calcium.) Plus when added to my smoothies it is tasteless and low in calories. I've read that by emerging blueberries and kale with milk they lose some of their nutrients. Well, I use an unsweetened almond milk just for peace of mind and added protein. I also use frozen fruit so I don't have to add ice and thus a richer flavor. Yum, and since I've started with smoothies my need for coffee is less severe. Days I skip I don't even get headaches.

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